Thursday 18 May 2023


The male face lift is becoming more and more popular in recent years. Any experienced surgeon will know that the male facial anatomy is very different from the female and during facial surgery these variations must be acknowledged. A male face lift, unless otherwise directed, should not feminise the face and so different techniques are applied to maintain/enhance a masculine appearance. The same considerations would be made for transgender facial surgeries to masculinize or feminize the face. 

How do male and female face lifts differ? 

From a surgical and aesthetic point of view, face lifts in males can differ from face lifts in females in several ways:

Facial anatomy: Male and female facial structures have inherent differences. Men tend to have thicker skin, stronger facial muscles, and more pronounced bone structure compared to women. Surgeons need to take these anatomical differences into account when planning and performing face lifts for men.

Goals and outcomes: The aesthetic goals of face lifts may differ between men and women. While women often seek a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with softer features, men typically desire a more masculine and defined look. Male face lifts aim to preserve or enhance masculine features, such as a strong jawline and a more chiseled appearance.

Incision placement: The placement of incisions may vary between male and female face lifts. In general, male face lifts tend to use incisions that follow the natural beard line to minimize visible scarring. Incisions can be made along the sideburns, in front of the ear, and behind the ear to allow for optimal access while keeping scars as inconspicuous as possible.

Facial hair considerations: Male face lifts must consider the presence of facial hair. Surgeons need to be mindful of preserving the natural beard growth pattern and avoiding disruption to hair follicles. Special techniques may be employed to minimize the risk of hair loss or changes in facial hair growth.

Tissue manipulation: Due to the differences in skin thickness and underlying facial structures, surgeons may need to adjust their techniques during the face lift procedure. Male face lifts may require more extensive dissection of tissues to achieve desired outcomes. The underlying musculature and connective tissue are often addressed to provide a stronger foundation for lifting and repositioning the skin.

Scarring and healing: Male skin tends to have a higher risk of scarring and slower healing compared to female skin. Surgeons take extra care to minimize scarring and ensure optimal wound healing in male face lifts. Post-operative scar ma

nagement techniques and recommendations may differ to accommodate these considerations.

Fat grafting: In some cases, fat grafting or liposuction techniques may be used to enhance or refine facial features during a male face lift. This can be used to add volume to specific areas, such as the cheeks or chin, to create a more balanced and masculine appearance.

It's important to note that these differences are generalizations, and each face lift procedure is tailored to the individual patient's needs and goals. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will consider these factors while adapting the surgical approach to suit the unique characteristics of each patient, regardless of gender.


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