Monday 31 October 2022

What to combine with LIPOSUCTION for best body contouring results?

Combination procedures are a major factor within Ocean Clinic’s patient consultation. Once the patient’s situation and requirements are analysed the team will communicate their recommended treatments to achieve the desired results. Very often a surgical procedure will be accompanied by a non-surgical treatment in order to reach optimum results with minimal down time and recovery. 

With liposuction this is very often the case, it is actually quite uncommon that liposuction is performed as a singular procedure. For example, liposuction from one region of the body can provide the necessary material for a fat transfer to another. Have you heard of the ‘mommy make over’ or ‘daddy do-over’? Both approach multiple areas of the body using a combination of procedures to sculpt and improve the overall shape and appearance. 

Liposuction is a highly sought after treatment as it is a sure fire way to achieve long-lasting body shape goals that are otherwise difficult to attain. It is a treatment after which the results are clear and impressive with before and after shots revealing vast improvements. Men tend to lean towards abdominal sculpting and athletic definition, as do women, but they often first focus on body curves and smooth contours. 

Liposuction often entails a connected procedure; one of the most common is to combine it with skin tightening treatments

Am I a good candidate for liposuction? 

It is important, if considering liposuction to research the procedure and deduce whether you are a good candidate prior to a consultation - there may be a far more suitable option for your specific case. For example, if you happen to have lost a considerable amount of weight and want to get rid of that last pocket of stubborn fat, liposuction may be an option but in combination with a tummy tuck. The reason being that all the loosened skin from the weight loss will become even looser after liposuction and require excision to become tightened. 

What is the most effective type of liposuction? 

Liposuction techniques continuously evolve - at Ocean Clinic, Marbella we prefer to use 360 water jet assisted liposuction as it reduces bruising and … quicker recovery time. 

Our preferred technique at Ocean Clinic is the most comprehensive of all the types of liposuction in that it removes fat from all sides of the torso. We can also offer thigh liposuction using a more specific to the leg technique. 

What should I combine with liposuction? 

No matter the age or skin quality of a patient, liposuction will generally cause some level of skin laxity, and so the most effective results for liposuction are achieved by combining the procedure with skin tightening treatments. In some cases liposuction can further loosen already saggy or crepe-like skin and so it requires a further treatment in order to leave the skin looking youthful and tightened around the treated area. There are various options for aesthetic skin tightening; at Ocean Clinic we offer a range of energy-based options such as radio frequency or micro focused ultrasound devices - which is selected all depends on the individual skin type, severity and skin laxity in question. The skin tightening treatments restore the elasticity that has been lost and also improve skin quality. See the detailed information below on Ocean Clinic’s skin tightening treatments. 

Will a combination of treatments mean a longer recovery time? 

The recovery time itself will not be extended, patients generally return to work or normal life activities within the same amount of time however there may be a bit more inflammation with the introduction of energy-based treatments on top of the liposuction. The affected area may be more swollen and puffy than if the skin tightening treatment had not been added. This will reduce within 4-6 weeks. 

Further information on Ocean Clinic, Marbella’s aesthetic department complimentary non-surgical treatments for liposuction…

Argon Plasma-Driven Radiofrequency

One new technology we've recently begun using in conjunction with body contouring surgeries is argon plasma-driven radiofrequency. The argon plasma-driven radiofrequency device aids in the shrinking of skin and tissue, during the surgery itself, thus tightening the skin and removing/reducing the need for surgical excision. The device uses pressurised argon gas to drive radiofrequency energy into a hollow cannula, this is moved around - similarly to a liposuction cannula - rapidly heating small sections of subcutaneous collagen to 85ÂșC. The heat generates a rapid, strong contraction of the collagen causing a 40-50% reduction in length. Skin tone continuously improves for up to a year as new collagen develops within the treated tissue. 

Argon plasma-driven RF skin tightening device: The cannula is moved around in a similar way to a liposuction cannula
What happens during Argon plasma-driven RF treatment?

The most important thing to do when considering liposuction is to contact a board certified plastic surgeon and discuss your options; feel free to contact Ocean Clinic, Marbella for a consultation. 

Microfocused Ultrasound for Skin Tightening

Neocollagenesis is an expression to describe a process that induces new collagen fibres in various layers of the skin and the subcutaneous layers. Various devices and technologies are on the market to induce neocollagenesis by delivering heat into the skin and create a thermal microtrauma leading to a reformation of elastic fibres. The challenge with any device is to effectively deliver enough energy into the right layer to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin and to achieve a satisfactory clinical result.

At the Ocean Clinic Group our mission is to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new devices and technology and to deliver results that meet our patients´ expectations. Up to date micro-focused ultrasound is the best and most versatile collagen stimulating technology available on the market. It can deliver thermal energy (heat) into 3 different depths of skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production in different skin levels, it can treat different skin densities and is FAA approved as a non-surgical lifting device.

Microfocused Ultrasound - what to know beforehand …

We have been using the Ultherapy device for many years with a very high satisfaction rate among our patient, resulting in treatment protocols individualized for every patient and based on the following standards:

Use of the ultrasound imaging provided by the device to visualize and customize our protocols according to each area treated and each patient.

Use of a potent numbing cream adapted to each patient’s sensibility to make the treatment comfortable and painless.

Use of the device in combination with other treatments if needed to achieve the desired aesthetic result.

To achieve neocollagenesis in all levels and layers of the skin is one of the pillars of our 3-dimensional approach to restore a youthful look, starting with achieving better skin texture on the surface and reaching down to the deep subcutaneous fascia layer where tightening of the fibres counteracts the soft tissue decent created by gravitational forces and loss of projection.

Normally MFU-V treatments have no downtime and very low rate of complications with results lasting for 1 – 1,5 years, depending on the severity of collagen loss and area treated. Depending on severity, vectors and depth of tissue layers it can be used as a unique lifting treatment for the face, the neck, chest or body areas, or it may be combined with other treatments such as injectable fillersIPL/lasersInjectablesmicroneedling, body tightening, biostimulators, to prepare fat grafting, or for post-surgical maintenance treatments. Ultherapy can also be used as a preventive antiaging treatment.

There is no need for special skin preparation before the treatment.

 Microfocused ultrasound

Radiofrequency - Exilis Elite®

Exilis Elite® is a MONOPOLAR radiofrequency technology that does not use vacum. It generates heat in differente depths depending on the transducer used and the cooling promoted on the surface. The treatment targets the superficial fat layer, superficial fascia layer and deep dermis. Through heat that can reach 39-42 degrees new collagen and elastin are stimulated in an indirect manner through proteins that are generated by the cells exposed to heat.

Also fat cell membranes are targeted generating a redistribution of free liquid fat inside the cells that makes them shrink. Therefore ths machine can be used on face, body and intimate areas to bring a tightening effect and improvement in lubrication. Also can be used as a combo for body treatment to improve fat excess in some areas and also improvement of celulite appearance. It takes from 4-8 sessions depending on area treated and the target (tightening or fat reduction) and no downtime.

Radiofrequency - Venus Legacy®

Venus Legacy® is a BIPOLAR radiofrequency technology with pulsed eletromagnetic fields (PEMF) that increase the effictiveness of the device. This device uses vacuum that enhances the penetration of the heat and is ideal for some body types (cex. Celulite or accumulated fat with local edema, post surgical and many others). It generates heat in differente depths depending on the transducer used. The treatment target superficial fat layer, superficial fascia layer and deep dermis. New collagen and elastin are stimulated in a indirect manner through proteins that are generated by the cells exposed to heat.

Also fat cell membranes are targeted generating a redistribution of free liquid fat inside the cells that makes them shrink. Therefore this machine can be used on face, body areas to bring tightening, fast resolution of edema and also can be used as a combo for body treatment to improve fat excess in some areas and also improvement of celulite appearance. It takes from 6-10 sessions depending on area treated and the target (tightening or fat reduction) and no downtime.

IPL / Laser treatments

There are numerous signs of aged or unhealthy skin: sun spots, lack of collagen, large pores, thick or rough skin texture, hyper- or hypopigmented areas, superficial wrinkles and many more. Over the last years many new technologies were introduced in the aesthetic market trying to treat or at least control those conditions.

At Ocean Clinic we consider the treatment of all the different layers of the skin an important pillar of a 3-dimensional rejuvenation process. There are many different cellular structures that play a role in skin ageing such as melanocytes (they produce the melanin pigment), vessels, immunologic cells and the famous elastic fibres of the skin (Collagen / Elastin). Any rejuvenation treatment should be very selective when treating those structures to avoid damage to other structures, this is why we believe in a multi-level, multi-technology approach for our anti-ageing and skin rejuvenations treatments.

  • Ablative RF (Venus Viva™) used for skin tightening, stimulation of collagen / elastin fibres and treatment of pigment disorders, stretch marks and scars.

The rate of complications with IPL / Laser treatments is very low with the right patient selection and when right conditions are addressed with the adequate technology. In some patients skin preparation is needed before a treatment, especially in patients with darker skin or melasma. The aftercare is very important and each technology has specific recommendations that our team will explain to you.

Friday 14 October 2022


 How do I get rid of my under eye bags? 

Under eye bags are not always a reflection of lifestyle - if you have stayed up late, not had enough sleep, dehydrated, or have been unwell - many factors can contribute to unsightly dark rings or puffy under the eye

areas. However, there are also unavoidable genetics, as well as aging, which can contribute to under eye bags and these unfortunately can not be greatly altered by diet or lifestyle. The ‘bags’ are actually herniated fat which tend to worsen with age. 

There are many products on the market which claim to reduce or cover up under eye bags and/or dark circles however if you feel these are not providing the results you are looking for then perhaps we have the answer…

Ocean Clinic can offer both surgical and non surgical solutions to improving the under eye area. Depending on your situation, which we would analyse individually with you, we would be able to decipher the correct procedure/s to suit your needs. 

Surgical options for removing/reducing under eye bags…

Lower Blepharoplasty 

This is the most common procedure used to address under-eye bags. This is a surgical procedure which involves an incision to remove or reposition either the fat and/or the skin situated under the eyes. The two basic approaches to lower blepharoplasty; one is the trans-conjunctival method whereby the fat is removed from the inside of the lower lid. The second is to create an incision directly below the lash line which cuts through both skin and muscle - this goes around the eye to elevate the skin/muscle flap in order to reveal fat pockets beneath - these are subsequently removed and the incision is secured with tiny sutures. This does produce a fine scar, and so, often the first, trans-conjunctival approach is selected. 

How is the eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty performed?

This kind of procedure is mostly performed under deep iv sedation (Twilight sleep) combined with loco-regional anesthesia or purely under local anesthesia. You will sleep throughout the procedure, but you will be able to move arms and legs like in normal sleep, which lowers the risk for thrombosis. The procedure is generally pain free and takes between 1-2 hours.

Ocean Clinic experience in eyelid surgery

Our surgeons performed more than 1000 blepharoplasty procedures within the last 10 years. Our clinic is a worldwide leader in combining surgical periorbital rejuvenation techniques with Facial fat grafting for re-volumizing of the ageing orbit and skin resurfacing with Peels to address the skin texture of the periorbital /eyelid region to remove imperfections like age spots and discolorations in one single treatment session. Many of these techniques have been published in international peer-reviewed journals and are on the forefront of new field of 3-dimensional facial rejuvenation.

Blepharoplasty aftercare

Most eyelid procedures at Ocean Clinic Marbella are performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. This concept allows for a complete painless procedure with patients being sedated only for their comfort. Postoperative pain in eyelid surgery is rare; patients only have a slight feeling of pressure around the eyes for 24-48hrs treated with oral pain medication.

Most patients can go home on the same day and come for a check -up the day after; stitches are removed after 7 days. During the first 4 weeks postoperative our patients will be referred to our unique physiotherapeutic aftercare for quicker recovery and less swelling. Heavy objects beyond 5kg should not be lifted and sports involving weights avoided for a minimum of 14 days.

Non surgical lower lid options

Surgery may not be for you for a multitude of reasons; reluctancy for incisions, severity of your case, cost, recovery time, etc. There are quite a few options for reducing eye bags without the surgery. Dermal fillers can be used to fill areas surrounding the bags in order to smooth out the area and create an even appearance. This is a temporary solution and would need to be readdressed or ‘topped up’ over time. When skin quality is part of the problem, energy-based laser treatments are highly effective ways to reduce the appearance of eye bags; they work by encouraging the tissue to strengthen and for the production of collagen to be stimulated. This can also be helped by injecting biostimulators, or monofilament threads, into the surrounding areas which also promote the production of collagen, or cosmetic injections to relax the muscle in surrounding areas and create a smoother texture and even skin tone. Each patient would be analysed individually and quite often a combination of the possible treatments used to achieve the best results for that person’s unique case. 

At Ocean Clinic we would highly recommend a consultation to determine which procedure/s would be the most effective for you after a full analysis of your personal requirements. Contact our clinic today to find out more. 

Thursday 6 October 2022

Lip flips may be trending on social media, but are you a good candidate?

Lip flips may be trending on social media, but are you a good candidate? 

Trends in the plastic surgery world are often brought about by influencers on social media - once you’ve seen a certain procedure done successfully multiple times, it starts to stick and interest increases. The conversation surrounding such trends is made possible by platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok, for example Lip Flips are currently a huge trend in cosmetic procedures - it is not a new concept at all, it has just been given far more exposure in recent times and therefore popularity has increased. 


The lip flip is a relatively new option in lip augmentation and, similarly to using fillers, involves injectables being placed into the lip to create a fuller appearance.


The lip flip is a quick, non-surgical procedure simply consisting of injections being placed into the muscles above the upper lip. No anaesthetic is required for the procedure and it takes minutes to achieve.  The injectables placed into the orbicularis oris muscles causes them to relax, the lip then naturally ‘flips’ slightly outwards to create a fuller effect using only the existing lip itself. The effects are noticeable very quickly - it takes only 5-7 days to see the full effects of the lip flip procedure and they last for around 3-4 months (metabolism depending). 


Great news! There isn’t any recovery time. The only possible thing that may take a little getting used to is sipping through a straw or other reasons to tightly pucker the lips, but this won’t take long to rectify itself. You may experience very mild swelling or bruising which will also pass rapidly. 


Lip fillers add volume to the lip whereas the lip lift simply uses the existing volume by pushing it forward to create a fuller effect. The natural size of your lip does not change with a lip lift, it is just shifted to make it look more plump and pronounced.  Both procedures last for around the same amount of time and sometimes the practitioner may suggest a combination of the two to achieve optimal results. 


As mentioned above the lip lift uses an injection to relax the muscles in the upper lip, which then causes the lip itself to flip forwards. This creates a subtle, fuller looking lip and a more pronounced profile as it protrudes forward slightly more than before. Obviously all people will get a different result depending on their existing lip. 


With the lip flip there’s no recovery time, no anaesthetic, no drastic alteration, minimal swelling or side effects, the result is rapid, and it is affordable.  If you aren’t happy with the outcome - within 3-4 months you can choose to do it differently, or not at all! 


If you have a ‘gummy’ smile, are unhappy with ageing lip lines (barcode lines), want a subtle (yet obvious to you) change, want a fuller lip but would rather not have surgery, or prefer not to have fillers to alter the size of your lips, then yes this could be the option for you. 

Lip flips are an ideal solution for someone whose muscle around the mouth area pulls the lip in or under, or when smiling the lip is pulled up high. This overactive muscle is weakened by the injectable and therefore the lip movement reduced / relaxed resulting in a more attractive smile. 


Yes, a lip flip is safe, it is just the same as any similar injection. There is a very slight risk that the smile could become asymmetric - however, this is minimal. Ensure that you choose a board-certified, experienced practitioner to carry out the procedure. 

You may experience very minimal bruising just at the site where the injection was placed, this should heal within 1-2 days. 


No, the lip flip will only last as long as the injectable stays in your system. The body will naturally ‘outgrow’, or reject, it over time. Most people see results for up to 3-4 months, but it varies from person to person depending on their individual metabolic rate.