Thursday 30 November 2023


 Maintaining Youth Whilst Still Young : Facelifts Among Forty-Somethings

In an era where self-care and well-being take center stage, individuals in their forties are increasingly turning to cosmetic procedures to maintain a youthful appearance. Facelifts, once reserved for those in their fifties and beyond, are now gaining popularity among forty-somethings seeking subtle yet effective enhancements. At Ocean Clinic in Marbella, Spain, we understand the evolving desires of our clients and offer the latest techniques, including the coveted mini facelift, to help them achieve natural-looking rejuvenation.

The Changing Face of Facelifts:

Traditionally associated with older age groups, facelifts have undergone a transformative shift in recent years. As technology advances and cosmetic procedures become more sophisticated, individuals in their forties are exploring preventative measures to slow down the signs of aging. The stigma once attached to cosmetic enhancements is fading, allowing people to embrace the idea of proactively addressing concerns before they become more pronounced.

Latest Techniques at Ocean Clinic:

Mini Facelift:

The mini facelift is a game-changer for those in their forties looking for a subtle lift and tightening. Unlike a full facelift, the mini facelift targets specific areas of the face, such as the jawline and lower face. This procedure requires smaller incisions, resulting in less downtime and a quicker recovery. At Ocean Clinic, our skilled surgeons specialize in customizing mini facelifts to meet the unique needs of each individual, delivering natural and rejuvenating results.

Thread Lifts:

Thread lifts are a non-surgical alternative gaining popularity among those seeking a quick and minimally invasive solution. Fine threads are strategically placed beneath the skin to lift and tighten sagging tissue. This procedure stimulates collagen production, promoting long-term skin elasticity. Our expert practitioners at Ocean Clinic ensure precision and artistry, ensuring a subtle yet noticeable improvement.

Fat Transfer:

As we age, loss of facial volume contributes to a tired appearance. Fat transfer involves harvesting fat from one area of the body and injecting it into the face to restore volume and create a more youthful contour. This technique offers natural-looking results, and at Ocean Clinic, our surgeons are adept at sculpting and enhancing facial features with precision.

Benefits of Facelifts in Your Forties:

Preventative Approach:

Forty-somethings are increasingly adopting a preventative mindset when it comes to aging. Facelifts at this stage can address early signs of aging, preventing the need for more extensive procedures in the future.

Boost in Confidence:

A refreshed and rejuvenated appearance often translates to increased self-confidence. Facelifts can enhance not only physical features but also the overall sense of well-being and positivity.


At Ocean Clinic, our approach is highly personalized. We understand that every individual ages differently, and our surgeons work closely with clients to tailor facelift procedures that address their unique concerns and aspirations.

Bottom Line: 

The decision to undergo a facelift in your forties is a personal one, driven by a desire to age gracefully and maintain a youthful appearance. At Ocean Clinic in Marbella, Spain, our commitment to excellence and innovation ensures that clients receive the latest techniques and options in cosmetic procedures. Whether opting for a mini facelift, thread lift, or fat transfer, our skilled surgeons are dedicated to providing natural-looking results that enhance and rejuvenate, helping clients rediscover their youth with confidence.

Monday 27 November 2023

What can you do about aging legs?


Do your legs no longer exude the confidence they once did, or have you noticed unwelcome changes as the years go by? Aging, especially for women, can bring about transformations in the legs, including sagging skin, the formation of cellulite, and an accumulation of unwanted, stubborn fat. The good news is that these effects of aging can be reversed with advanced surgical procedures.

As the skin of the internal thighs loses its elasticity with age, sagging and wrinkling become noticeable, particularly around the kneecaps. Cellulite tends to worsen as legs lose tone and develop a lumpier appearance. Additionally, many women find it challenging to shed weight around the bottom and thighs as they age, leading to further changes in the leg's appearance.

Weight loss, whether gradual or rapid, can also contribute to premature leg aging. The unfortunate side effect of rapid weight loss is loose, hanging skin, which cannot be restored through exercise alone once it has been stretched.

To regain your confidence in shorts or a swimsuit, consider the transformative procedures of thigh lift and knee rejuvenation.

How Do Legs Age?

The aging process affects the thin skin of the internal thighs, leading to a loss of elasticity. Sagging skin results in a wrinkled appearance, often noticeable around the kneecaps. Cellulite tends to worsen with age, and weight accumulation around the bottom and thighs becomes increasingly challenging to address.

Thigh Lift: Sculpting Youthful Contours

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat and skin, enhancing the contours of the thighs. Also known as a crural lift, this surgery involves lifting loose, sagging skin on the upper and outer thigh towards the groin. Excess skin and tissue are removed, and deep support sutures are placed to create a tight and toned thigh. Liposuction is often performed in conjunction to shape and contour the thighs, reducing fat and minimizing cellulite.

Knee Rejuvenation: Enhancing Youthful Appearance

While a thigh lift addresses sagging skin and hanging fat deposits around the knee, knee rejuvenation involves carefully transplanting fat. Fat removed from the thighs during liposuction is processed and re-injected to areas where volume has been lost. This procedure helps contour bony knees, making them look more youthful, while improving skin tone and reducing wrinkles.

Scars and Recovery

Thigh lift scars vary based on the areas treated and the extent of the procedure, typically hidden in the groin crease. Incisions may extend along the inner thigh or around the hip for outer thigh contouring. Despite the location, efforts are made to ensure scars are covered by underwear, swimsuits, and shorts. Recovery requires at least two weeks of downtime, with the possibility of an outpatient procedure under twilight sedation.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

For those without significant loose skin, non-surgical alternatives can be effective. Options include firming ultrasound and radiofrequency treatments such as Ulthera and Venus Legacy. For excess fat, treatments like Coolsculpting provide results. Ocean Clinic also offers specialized treatments for cellulite, stretch marks, and leg veins, ensuring holistic results.

Are you interested in learning more about leg treatments? Book a virtual or in-person consultation at Ocean Clinic to explore personalized solutions for your leg concerns.

Saturday 25 November 2023


Nasal tip surgery, often referred to as a "mini nose job," focuses specifically on reshaping the nose cartilage without involving the nasal bones. The appearance of the nasal tip significantly influences the overall aesthetic of the nose, and issues such as excessive width or 'pointiness' can impact facial beauty. 

This less invasive procedure offers aesthetic improvements with a quicker recovery time compared to a full rhinoplasty, avoiding the black eyes associated with nasal bone manipulation. Read on to explore whether you might be a suitable candidate for nasal tip surgery.


Understanding Nasal Tip Surgery


Nasal tip surgery involves the removal of small pieces of cartilage, with the remaining cartilage stitched together to create a more refined nasal tip. In cases with thick skin, the skin may also be thinned out. This procedure is often considered a "mini nose job" due to its less invasive nature.


Candidates for Nasal Tip Surgery


While full rhinoplasty addresses issues like a dorsal hump through bone filing, nasal tip surgery is suitable for individuals whose aesthetic concerns focus on the end of the nose, without lumps or bumps elsewhere. This procedure can achieve:


- Shortening of the nose

- Lifting a drooping nose tip

- Reduction of a bulbous or wide nose tip

- Widening of a narrow nose tip

- Reduction of flared nostrils

- Reshaping of nostrils/columella (the area between the nostrils)


Addressing Specific Concerns


Nasal Tip Surgery for a Long or Drooping Nose


An overly large nasal tip or hanging columella can give the appearance of a long or droopy nose. The angle of the nasal tip plays a crucial role, and adjustments can be made during surgery to achieve the ideal rotation. Cosmetic injections of muscle relaxant can also offer temporary improvements.


Nasal Tip Surgery for a Bulbous, Wide, or Narrow Nose


A bulbous nose, often characterized by excessive width or a "ball" on the end, can be addressed through nasal tip surgery. The ideal shape is a soft triangular form, and adjustments can be made to achieve this, including widening the tip with cartilage grafts.


Nasal Tip Surgery for Reshaping Nostrils


Issues with the alar rim, the rim of the nostrils, such as retraction or asymmetry, can be corrected through alarplasty, a form of nasal tip surgery focused on the nostrils. This involves excising skin and repositioning cartilage to achieve a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing result.


Recovery and Results


Recovery from nasal tip surgery is generally shorter than full rhinoplasty as it involves reshaping skin and cartilage without bone manipulation. Bruising is minimal, and while swelling may take up to a year to fully subside, most patients are satisfied with the gradual, subtle improvements. Nasal tip surgery provides balance to facial proportions without the risk of looking overly done.


For those interested in learning more about nasal tip surgery, Ocean Clinic offers free consultations to explore individual suitability for the procedure.


Have you come across the term HIFU and been curious about its meaning? HIFU stands for 'High Intensity Focused Ultrasound,' and it refers to a procedure that employs ultrasound to elevate and firm the skin on the face. 


HIFU operates by heating the underlying tissue beneath the skin, stimulating the body's natural collagen production process. Collagen, a protein crucial for maintaining skin firmness and youthfulness, diminishes with age.


Microfocused ultrasound energy is utilized in HIFU to reach specific tissue depths at the right temperatures. Various handpieces can target tissues at 1.5mm, 3.0mm, and 4.5mm depths. The 4.5mm depth distinguishes ultrasound technology from alternatives like radiofrequency, as radiofrequency cannot reach this depth.


The depth of 4.5mm specifically targets the 'SMAS' layer, the deep muscle layer tightened during facelift surgery. At 3.0mm, it focuses on the connective tissue, strengthening the skin's foundation, while 1.5mm targets the epidermis, refining pores, enhancing skin tone, and reducing fine lines.


HIFU is the overarching technology, while Ultherapy is a brand name. Ocean Clinic employs Ultherapy due to its unique ultrasound imaging feature, allowing doctors to scan and analyze the skin during treatment, ensuring a safer experience by avoiding vital structures.


Ultherapy, the only FDA-approved HIFU machine for lifting skin and reducing wrinkles on the face, neck, and décolletage, is non-invasive and minimally painful. A single session, beginning with a consultation, involves the application of a numbing cream for around 30 minutes. The treatment, conducted by a qualified medical professional using real-time ultrasound imaging, may cause a warm or tingling sensation but should not be painful.


Treatment duration varies based on the area treated and the individual plan. Afterward, patients can resume normal activities immediately. Any initial redness typically fades within hours, and mild side effects like slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness are temporary.



Ultherapy results become evident over two to three months as new collagen lifts and tightens the skin. While not a facelift duplicate, it provides a gradual, natural-looking alternative, supported by over 50 clinical studies and 90 peer-reviewed papers. Results include an 11% reduction in wrinkles, 19% increase in skin elasticity, 9% improvement in facial lifting, 4.5% increase in moisture content, 27% decrease in pore size, and a 30% increase in dermal density.


While Ultherapy's benefits are long-lasting, they won't halt the aging process. Collagen breakdown continues over time, and maintenance may involve touch-up procedures every few years. Ideal candidates for Ultherapy include those interested in age reversal, especially if surgery is not an option or desired.


If you're considering HIFU / Ultherapy, contact Ocean Clinic to determine if it's the right treatment for you. 

Thursday 16 November 2023

SURPRISING USES FOR FACIAL FILLERS - How Injectables can offer Non-Surgical alternatives

Cosmetic injections and dermal fillers offer a speedy solution for tackling wrinkles and restoring volume to the lips and cheeks. However, the versatility of these injectables extends beyond these traditional uses. Plastic surgeons and aesthetic specialists have pioneered various alternative applications for facial rejuvenation, some of which are considered "off-label." These innovative uses showcase how injectables can serve as an alternative to more invasive surgical procedures.

Here, we present the top alternative applications for facial injectables:

Brow Lift

Facial cosmetic injections can do more than just smoothen your brow; they can also lift it. By relaxing the orbicularis oculi muscle surrounding the eyes, these injections allow the forehead muscles to pull upwards, elevating the eyebrows. Injecting at the ends of the eyebrows raises the tail of the eyebrow, correcting sagging upper eyelids and making your eyes appear more alert.

Nose Lift

As we age, our noses may start to sag, with the tip drooping and appearing hooked. Injecting a small amount of muscle relaxant at the base of the nose can raise the nasal tip. This injection is typically placed between the nostrils or within the nose tip, relaxing the fibers of the depressor nasii septii muscle responsible for pulling the nose downward, resulting in a perkier nose for several months.

Lip Flip

Distinct from lip fillers, a lip flip elevates the lip line, giving the appearance of a shapelier, more alluring pout. This involves injecting small amounts of muscle relaxant along the upper lip border, which can be used alone or in combination with fillers for a fuller enhancement.

Jawline Slimming

Aging can cause the masseter muscles responsible for chewing to become thick and prominent, resulting in a square, wider-looking face. Injecting along the jawline can reduce the masseter muscle's size, creating a softer, more rounded jawline and a more feminine appearance. This treatment may also lift the cheeks and alleviate the discomfort caused by teeth grinding.

Jowl Tightening

With age, facial muscles in the lower face and neck can shrink and tighten, causing saggy jowls. Injecting specific muscles, such as the depressor anguli oris and the platysma, relaxes them and prevents the downward pull, leading to improved jawline appearance and a more defined profile within a few days.

Neck Smoothing

Injecting the platysma muscle, which extends from the collarbone to the jaw, not only releases tension on the jowls but also relaxes the neck. This temporary treatment erases horizontal lines and softens vertical platysmal bands that can enlarge and protrude as we age.

On the other hand, dermal fillers provide additional options for facial and neck enhancement:

Nose Shaping

Dermal fillers can sculpt the face and create a non-surgical nose job, addressing humps or bumps to make the nose appear straighter and more refined. These results can last for 12-18 months.

Chin Boosting

If you have a weak chin that throws off the balance of your features, dermal fillers can sculpt your chin without the need for implants. This approach allows for gradual adjustments to achieve the perfect chin shape, but it requires periodic top-up treatments.

Erase Eye Bags or Under-Eye Hollows

Dermal fillers can be used to add volume to areas where eye bags meet the cheeks, smoothing depressions and reducing shadows. Additionally, they can restore volume to under-eye hollows, minimizing dark circles and addressing wrinkled, crepey skin beneath the eyes.

Fill Acne Scars

Isolated atrophic acne scars can be plumped and lifted with filler, resulting in a more even skin texture. Furthermore, natural collagen development can improve the skin's appearance post-injection.

Fill Hollow Temples

Often overlooked, temple hollows can have a profound impact on facial appearance. Treating temple hollows can refresh your look by restoring youthful cheek and jawline positions and smoothing bony ridges around the eye socket.

Fill Neck Lines

Dermal fillers offer an alternative to cosmetic injections for treating neck lines not caused by overactive platysma muscles. Fillers injected at various points on the neck can lift the skin and smooth wrinkles, with results lasting about a year.

If you're seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation, these injectables and dermal fillers offer numerous possibilities. To explore the best treatment options for you, schedule an appointment with Ocean Clinic Group.

Friday 3 November 2023

Experience the Timeless Beauty of Lipofilling at Ocean Clinic, Marbella!

Experience the Timeless Beauty of Lipofilling at Ocean Clinic, Marbella

For decades, we have been dedicated to the art of natural enhancement. Lipofilling, our signature procedure, utilizes your body's own fat to sculpt and rejuvenate, offering you timeless beauty with minimal scarring and reduced risk. 

Lipo filling of the breast, also known as fat transfer to the breast, is a cosmetic procedure in which a person's own body fat is harvested from one area of the body and then purified and injected into the breast to enhance their size, shape, or contour. 

This procedure is typically performed by professional providers, such as the Ocean Clinic in Marbella, who specialize in cosmetic surgery and fat transfer techniques. 

Here's an outline of what this procedure involves: 

Initial Consultation:

   - Patients begin the process by scheduling an initial consultation with the Ocean Clinic's medical team.

   - During this consultation, the patient discusses their goals, concerns, and expectations with the plastic surgeon.

   - The surgeon evaluates the patient's breast anatomy and general health to determine if they are a suitable candidate for lipo filling of the breast.


Preoperative Evaluation:

   - Patients undergo a comprehensive preoperative evaluation, including medical history, physical examination, and possibly imaging studies like mammograms.

   - The surgeon and patient jointly decide on the specific areas of the body from which fat will be harvested. Common donor sites include the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.



   - On the day of the procedure, the patient is administered anesthesia, typically under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the surgeon's recommendation and patient preference.


Fat Harvesting (Liposuction):

   - A cannula is inserted through small incisions in the chosen donor area.

   - The surgeon uses liposuction to extract excess fat tissue, taking care to maintain the viability of the fat cells for transfer.


Fat Purification:

   - The harvested fat is processed to remove impurities, excess fluids, and damaged cells.

   - This purified fat is then prepared for injection.

 Breast Augmentation:

   - Small incisions are made in the breast area.

   - The purified fat is strategically injected into various layers of the breast tissue to achieve the desired enhancement.

   - The surgeon sculpts and shapes the breast to create a natural look.



   - Following the procedure, patients are monitored and allowed to recover in a supervised setting.

   - Postoperative instructions, including pain management, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments, are provided.


Results and Follow-Up:

   - Over time, the injected fat settles, and the patient begins to see the final results.

   - Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor the progress and address any concerns.

 Advantages and Considerations:

   - Lipo filling of the breast offers several advantages, such as using natural tissue, minimal scarring, and the potential for simultaneous body contouring.

   - Patients must understand that some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired breast size.

Ocean Clinic's Expertise:

    - Ocean Clinic in Marbella is a renowned cosmetic surgery center with a team of experienced plastic surgeons specializing in fat transfer procedures, including lipo filling of the breast.

    - The clinic employs state-of-the-art techniques and equipment to ensure patient safety and satisfaction.

    - Ocean Clinic provides comprehensive support throughout the patient's journey, from consultation to postoperative care.

It's important to note that the specific details and techniques used in lipo filling of the breast may vary among providers and surgeons. Patients interested in this procedure should consult with a qualified professional, like those at Ocean Clinic, to discuss their individual needs and expectations.

Say goodbye to synthetic implants and hello to a harmonious blend of science and nature. Achieve the curves you desire while maintaining authenticity. Unlock the secrets of lipo filling with us and embrace the confidence that comes with your natural beauty. Discover why Ocean Clinic has been your trusted partner in aesthetic innovation for generations.