Friday 8 April 2022



The start of the new year always brings about an element of change in people. It represents emergence, a time for metamorphosis, rebirth, and growth. Quite often this feeling inspires people to make personal changes; some big, some small, some physical.  

So far this year, the Ocean Clinic, Marbella has been thriving and booked solidly for various surgical procedures. Looking at the client log and following up on patient progress, we can see which of the many surgeries offered at Ocean Clinic have been trending this quarter. The information below is a summary of the most popular surgeries performed at the Ocean Clinic since January 2022. 


Top of the list for the first quarter of 2022 is a solid favourite that seems to trend year after year. Rhinoplasty is a procedure which can make radical or subtle changes to a person’s facial appearance. Whether it is a bump on the bone, a misshapen nostril, a deviated septum, repair from breakage, or a reconstruction, there are countless reasons, aesthetic or physical, that can prompt a ‘nose job’. One of our recent clients underwent a nose reconstruction after the removal of a tumor, another was to simply straighten and refine the shape, it is a very diverse procedure considering the small surface area the nose covers.  At Ocean Clinic, Marbella so far this year we have completed many rhinoplasty surgeries making it the most popular procedure of 2022 to date. 

Nose Correction Before & after photos Closed Rhinoplasty (Nose Job). Reshaping of the Nasal Tip, Bridge and Dorsum and Nasal Bone (Hump Removal)


Surgery on the breasts is another firm favourite at Ocean Clinic.  Breast augmentation includes a range of surgical procedures - it is not limited to implants - there are also uplifts, implant changes, breast reductions, fat grafting, as well as reconstruction or removal of implants. Often a combination of procedures is used to create the optimal shape and outcome. For example, someone changing their implants for a different size may also opt for a simultaneous uplift as the heavier weight has caused the skin to drop over time. This is absolutely one of the most popular types of surgery at Ocean Clinic, Marbella this quarter and every quarter! 

Breast Augmentation Before & after photos with 210cc Anatomic Epipectoral Silicone Breast Implants


You may know this procedure more affectionately as the ‘tummy tuck’. The removal of excess, unwanted fat around the abdominal area using liposuction. The remaining loose skin is then removed and secured by a discrete line of stitches just above the pubic area (under the knicker line). Common in both men and women, abdominoplasty is rising in popularity; a strong choice for those who have been through pregnancy, or undergone extreme weight gain and then loss. The physical changes our bodies go through in these extreme circumstances are often very difficult to recover from and so a surgical procedure is elected to achieve the desired body shape. The liposuction also works to shape the waist and hips, not simply to remove fat, leaving a more sculpted and defined look. 

Tummy Tuck Before & after photos Mini Abdominoplasty with Liposculpture


Facelifts and neck lifts have always been popular surgical procedures, especially with our slightly older clients. However, lately clients have been opting for this at a slightly younger age than usual which has caused the numbers to rise. The facelift and neck lift can also include a fat transfer to the face which refills lost volume under the skin and adds to the more youthful appearance. 

Face and Neck Lift Before & after photos Rhytidectomy MACS lift face and neck


The surgery that seems to be increasing in popularity the most is the ‘brow lift’ or forehead lift. This procedure rejuvenates the face from the eyes upwards giving a more refreshed look. Excess skin is removed, helping to correct a furrowed brow, and sagging eyelids, restoring a more youthful look to the whole face. 


"For many years, I thought that I needed eyelid surgery but during my first consultation at the OC I understood that my concerns were to be addressed with a brow lift. My eyes appear more open now, my face more youthful and less tired."

Helen, (48)

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