Wednesday 9 February 2022

CoolSculpting - Does it work and is it safe?

Why choose fat freezing? 

Struggling to lose that last bit of fat in a problem area? You've done the diets, tried all sorts of exercise regimes, and that stubborn excess fat just won't seem to shift... this is when people are turning to 'fat freezing' (also known as CoolSculpting due to the brand that launched the technology). 

So much so, that it has become one of the hottest trends in non-invasive body sculpting (despite the ice cold temperatures!). Its popularity has surged due to it being noninvasive, relatively pain-free, affordable, quick and there's no recovery time needed. 

How does fat freezing work?  

Fat freezing is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure which uses machinery to destroy fat cells at freezing temperatures. 

The treatment works using a technique called cryolipolysis (literally meaning cold (cryo) fat (lipo) destruction (lysis)); once fat cells are subjected to freezing temperatures they are destroyed. The body then works naturally to absorb and remove the damaged cells, thus reducing the fat in that area.  

Target areas for fat freezing

The most common areas treatable with fat freezing are those which, despite having dieted or exercised, still have those stubborn deposits of subcutaneous fat that just never seem to go away. As we age it becomes progressively more difficult for us to reduce this type of fat, hence the tendency to turn to cosmetic procedures for a little body contouring help. 

The most popular areas for fat freezing by cryolipolysis are: 

  • Thighs
  • Belly
  • Upper Arms
  • Back and sides 
  • Under the chin and jawline
  • Bra line
  • Under the buttocks

The Fat Freezing Procedure

During this non-surgical procedure, the allocated area is placed in a clamp or between paddles (depending on the equipment) and cooled. The machinery remains in place for between 30 minutes and an hour and 15 minutes depending on the area and fat density. During this time around 25% of the fat cells in the targeted area are destroyed. Multiple applications may be required depending on the size of the area being treated - the belly for example may take between 3-5 applications to achieve full, even fat removal. 

The CoolSculpting system is a portable thermoelectric device that applies controlled cooling to the treatment site. 

How long does fat freezing take to show results? 

As your immune system begins the process of clearing out the dead fat cells you will begin to notice the difference - this can take a few months to complete to you may not see a drastic alteration right away but results can be noted as soon as three weeks post-treatment. 

With one round of treatment the average fat reduction is between 10%-25%, it is possible that a further round may be desired after the initial treatment has concluded if further removal is required. 

What are the Side Effects of Fat Freezing?

Being a non-surgical procedure the side effects are generally minimal. Common post-application symptoms include redness, tingling, swelling and numbness. Occasionally a darkening of the skin in the targeted area may be present immediately after the treatment. There may be mild post-procedure pain but it is not often that medication is needed. 

All side effects should wear off as the body begins to remove the dead cells.  

A very rare side effect (less than 1% of all recorded treatments) is that of paradoxical fat hyperplasiaan increase, rather than decrease, in fat within the treated area. 

Is fat freezing for me? 

If your main goal is weight loss, then fat freezing is not for you. If there is a targeted region that you would like to remove an area of fat from, then this could be the help you need to remove it.

If you are close to your desired body weight and suffer with a stubborn, 'grab-able' area of fat that exercise and diet are not shifting, then yes, the fat freezing procedure could be right for you; the CoolSculpting treatment is designed for those with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or less.  

Who shouldn't opt for fat freezing? 

As mentioned previously, this type of procedure is not for those seeking weight loss, if you are not close to your ideal body weight then fat freezing is not appropriate. It is for isolated, designated pockets of fat that have proven difficult to remove naturally. 

If you suffer from any of the following then your doctor may advise against the fat freezing procedure. 

  • Cryoglobulinemia: abnormal proteins in the blood which thicken in cold temperatures. 
  • Cold Urticaria: a reactive skin disorder triggered by cold. 
  • Paroxysmal cold Hemoglobinuria: is a rare type of anaemia characterised by the premature destruction of healthy red blood cells by autoantibodies.

What are the alternatives to fat freezing?

Other ways to remove stubborn fat include:

Liposuction: a surgical procedure which removes fat cells through suction.

Laser Surgery: a procedure whereby heat lasers are used to remove deposits of fat. 

Deoxycholic Acid Injection: this procedure is only used for the chin area and involves an injection which deposits the acid into the region to break down fat cells. 

Fat Freezing - CoolSculpting at Ocean Clinic: To find out more about the procedure, and what we offer, please contact us any time to discuss. 

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