Friday 19 October 2018

What Questions Should I Ask at My Nose Job Consultation?

Taking the plunge and finally booking a consultation for a nose job is both exciting and daunting. You’re bound to be a little nervous on the day, so how can you make sure you get all the important information you need?

The best way is to go armed with a set of questions to run through with your surgeon. You probably have quite a few already, but there will also be some you might not have thought of. To assist you, we’ve compiled the top 10 most important questions to ask at your rhinoplasty consultation...

1. Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

To ascertain whether you’re suitable for rhinoplasty surgery the surgeon will firstly want to know if you’re fit and healthy, but they’ll also need to undertake a physical examination of your nose, skin and cartilage.

The surgeon will consider your nose in relation to your other facial features to assess whether surgery could help to achieve better overall harmony. Some of the indications that you may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty are:

-Your nose appears too large for your face
-Your nose seems too wide
-You have a bump on your bridge
-The nasal tip droops
-The nasal tip is bulbous
-Your nostrils are excessively flared
-Your nose is off-centre or crooked
- You have a deviated septum/ difficulty breathing

2. Do I have realistic expectations?

If you have a clear idea of what you would like your nose to look like, it’s important to communicate this to your surgeon. Perhaps you want to take along some photographs of ‘ideal’ noses to illustrate your goals?

With this frame of reference, your surgeon will be able to advise what is, or what is not, possible. A good surgeon will be open and honest about the results you can expect to ensure you will not be disappointed.

3. Would my rhinoplasty be open or closed?

Rhinoplasty can be carried out in two ways - either through incisions made inside the nostrils or via an incision made on the outside of the nose, between the nostrils. Whether you require closed or open depends on the complexity of your surgery as well as the surgeon’s preferred way of working.

You will also want to know if the bridge of your nose will be broken as part of your surgery. Some bumps can be reduced by filing alone or through cartilage trimming so it is not always necessary.

4. How much experience do you have in performing rhinoplasty surgery?

Rhinoplasty is an extremely complex and demanding surgery so it is advisable to choose a surgeon with robust experience in this field. Ask your surgeon if he or she understands the airway - even if you have no airway concerns, you may end up with breathing problems if the surgery is carried out without adequate knowledge of the nasal anatomy.

Ask the surgeon how many rhinoplasties they have performed and how frequently they perform them now - ideally, you want a surgeon who is very active and up to date with current techniques.

5. Can I see before and after photographs?

Surgeons are like artists in that each one has their own individual style. Looking at examples of their work will not only provide reassurance that they are competent in carrying out the procedure, but also show you the style of their work.

Do you like the noses the surgeon has created for other patients? Although results depend on what a person’s nose was like in the first place, it will give you a good idea of the surgeon’s aesthetic.  

6. What is your policy on revisions?

If anything goes wrong with your surgery or you’re unhappy with the results, it’s important to know if your surgeon will be agreeable to fixing it. Find out what they will take responsibility for and what they won’t (such as scar tissue forming).

If the problem is a result of the surgery then it is common not to charge the surgeon’s fee again. Overhead costs, such as the anesthetists’ fee may still be chargeable however, so you’ll want to check if this is the case.

7. What is the revision rate among your rhinoplasty patients?

A high revision rate should set alarm bells ringing, however, it’s worth noting that even the best surgeons have revision rates of 5% to 10%. That’s because there are multiple factors that contribute to surgical outcome, including the patient’s own healing ability.

You might also like to ask about patient satisfaction rates and whether there’s the opportunity to view some testimonials, or even speak to a previous patient in person.

8. What are the potential risks or complications for me?

No two patients are exactly alike so it’s worth asking your surgeon about anything that could pose a risk in your case. Perhaps you’re a smoker (you will be asked to stop!) or you have particularly thin or thick skin?

Furthermore, each nose can present different challenges so ask your surgeon to outline anything that could prevent you from getting the results you desire. Remember, until a surgeon has seen ‘under the hood’ they cannot speak with complete certainty.

9. How long will my recovery take?

Just like your surgery, your recovery is unique to you. It is impossible for your surgeon to know exactly how you’ll heal, but he or she will be able to advise on the extent of trauma your operation will inflict.

Bruising and swelling will depend on factors like whether the bridge of your nose will be fractured and if your nasal tip will be reshaped or rotated. Your surgeon will be able to tell you if you’ll have to wear a plaster and how long for, as well as when you can return to work and any sporting activities you normally engage in.

10. When should I expect to see the final result of the procedure?

Rhinoplasty patients often have unrealistic expectations about the amount of time it takes for the healing process to complete. The more extensive your surgery, the longer it will take for you to see the final result - sometimes in excess of a year.

Your surgeon will be able to advise how long that period will be in your case. For example, if  you’re just having a bump filed away from your bridge, you’ll see the end result sooner than someone who is having work to their nasal tip, where swelling can persist.

In addition to these 10 rhinoplasty-specific questions, there are some more general questions you should ask your prospective surgeon. Ocean Clinic Marbella is always happy to answer your questions - email us at or call 951 775 518 to book a consultation.

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