Wednesday 31 January 2024

Considering a facelift? Try the revolutionary PAVE lift at Ocean Clinic, Marbella.


Ocean Clinic has been a pioneer in innovative facelift techniques, led by Head Surgeon Dr. Kai Kaye, a respected figure in facelift surgery who has gained global recognition for his groundbreaking techniques.

Dr. Kaye's PAVE (Peeling-Assisted Volume Enhancing) facelift features several innovations, notably the addition of a fourth 'suture' strategically placed under the chin to provide support for the neck. Traditionally, facelifts include three sutures in a MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) facelift, focusing on the mid-face. Dr. Kaye's introduction of an extra suture, combined with neck liposuction, aims to create a more angled and youthful silhouette.

Having successfully applied this technique to over 200 patients, Dr. Kaye noted the continued benefits of the original procedure with a significantly improved aesthetic outcome for the neck.


This new technique developed by Dr. Kaye in 2013 was designed to overcome limitations in short-scar facelift surgery by adding a fourth suture. His findings were published in a prestigious German medical journal.


Advancing his facelift technique, Dr. Kaye incorporated skin peeling and fat grafting, creating what he terms an 'enhanced facelift.' This comprehensive approach combines the most effective facial anti-aging techniques in cosmetic surgery into one package.


Dr. Kaye extracts, or ‘harvests’, fat from one part of the body (common donor areas include the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks) using liposuction, a minimally invasive technique that involves small incisions and a thin tube (cannula) to suction out the fat.  The fat is then purified and processed in order to separate impurities, excess fluid and any damaged cells. The refined fat is then prepared for injection. The purified fat is then strategically transferred to the face to replace lost volume; this can be applied to the lips, cheeks, temples, and tear troughs, softening deep wrinkle or where contouring is needed. The presence of living stem cells in fat offers sustainable results, superior to synthetic fillers. Properly transplanted, these cells find a new blood supply, living long-term as vascularized tissue in the recipient site, resulting in a natural-looking, plumper, more youthful face. Additionally, stem cells have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, significantly improving the overall skin quality of the patient.

The injected fat integrates with the existing tissues in the facial region. Over time, the transplanted fat establishes a blood supply and becomes a part of the recipient site. This integration contributes to the long-term success of the procedure. 

Facial fat grafting is considered a minimally invasive procedure, and the recovery period is generally shorter compared to more extensive surgical interventions. Patients may experience some swelling and bruising at both the donor and injection sites, but this typically subsides within a few days to a couple of weeks.

The results of facial fat grafting are noticeable after the initial swelling goes down, usually within a few weeks. The outcome is natural-looking and can last for several years, as the transplanted fat becomes a permanent part of the treated areas. However, some degree of fat absorption is normal, and touch-up procedures may be recommended to maintain optimal results over time.


Within the PAVE facelift concept, post-facelift surgery, a chemical skin peeling is applied to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles. This combination approach is often employed to optimize the aesthetic outcome of a facelift by addressing additional skin concerns. The chemical peel breaks down layers of skin, revealing fresh, new skin beneath, effectively reducing fine lines, age spots, discoloration, and rejuvenating sun-damaged skin. 

The timing of the chemical peel is crucial. It is typically performed once the initial healing from the facelift is complete, and the skin has sufficiently recovered. This is often several weeks to months after the facelift surgery, depending on the extent of the facelift and the patient's individual healing process.

The choice of the chemical solution depends on the specific skin concerns being addressed. Commonly used chemical peels include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The chemical solution is strategically applied to the skin to stimulate exfoliation and promote the growth of new, healthier skin.

The recovery period for a post-facelift chemical peel is relatively short, with mild redness and peeling that typically resolve within a week or two. Patients may resume regular activities shortly after the procedure, though sun protection is essential during the healing phase. Over the following weeks, patients will notice improvements in skin texture, tone, and clarity.

Dr. Kaye's groundbreaking facelift technique, introduced around 2013, was recognized for its holistic approach, addressing all aspects of the aging face and delivering unparalleled results. The PAVE-Lift, tailored to each patient, is suitable for both younger individuals seeking preventive measures and older individuals seeking rejuvenation. To discover the transformative potential of the PAVE-Lift, contact us at Ocean Clinic, Marbella for a consultation today.

Please click the link to watch PAVE LIFT SURGERY at OCEAN CLINIC MARBELLA

Friday 26 January 2024


Addressing Gynecomastia: Ocean Clinic Marbella Plastic Surgery's Comprehensive Solutions

Gynecomastia, characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue, is a condition that can significantly impact a man's confidence and self-esteem. At Ocean Clinic Marbella Plastic Surgery, we understand the importance of addressing gynecomastia with tailored and effective solutions. Our team of skilled plastic surgeons is committed to providing compassionate care and delivering transformative results to restore confidence and well-being.

Understanding Gynecomastia:

Gynecomastia can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, certain medications, obesity, and genetic predisposition. Regardless of the underlying cause, the condition can lead to physical and emotional discomfort for affected individuals.

At Ocean Clinic Marbella, our experienced plastic surgeons conduct thorough consultations to understand the unique circumstances of each patient. This allows us to develop personalized treatment plans that align with individual goals and expectations.

Comprehensive Consultation:

The first step in addressing gynecomastia is a comprehensive consultation with one of our plastic surgeons. During this consultation, we assess the patient's medical history, perform a physical examination, and discuss the patient's concerns and goals. This collaborative approach ensures that the treatment plan is tailored to the specific needs of each individual.

Treatment Options:

1. Liposuction:

For cases where excess fat is the primary contributor to gynecomastia, liposuction may be recommended. Our skilled surgeons use advanced liposuction techniques to remove excess fat deposits, sculpting a more masculine and contoured chest.

2. Glandular Tissue Removal:

When glandular tissue is the main culprit, surgical excision may be necessary. Our surgeons carefully remove the excess glandular tissue, ensuring a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

3. Combination Procedures:

In some cases, a combination of liposuction and glandular tissue removal may be the most effective approach. This comprehensive strategy allows for a thorough and customized treatment to address all aspects of gynecomastia.

Recovery and Aftercare:

At Ocean Clinic Marbella, patient well-being is our top priority. After the procedure, our team provides detailed post-operative care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery process. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress and address any concerns, ensuring optimal results and patient satisfaction.

Why Choose Ocean Clinic Marbella?

1. Expertise: Our plastic surgeons at Ocean Clinic Marbella are highly skilled and experienced in performing gynecomastia procedures. Their expertise ensures safe and effective results.

2. Individualized Care: We prioritize a personalized approach, tailoring each treatment plan to the unique needs and goals of the patient.

3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art facilities to provide the highest quality care.

Bottom Line:

Gynecomastia can impact one's confidence and quality of life, but with the expertise of the plastic surgeons at Ocean Clinic Marbella, patients can achieve a more masculine and sculpted chest. Through comprehensive consultations and personalized treatment plans, we are dedicated to helping individuals regain their self-assurance and embrace their best selves. Contact Ocean Clinic Marbella Plastic Surgery today to embark on your journey toward a more confident and fulfilling life.

Monday 15 January 2024

Breast Augmentation - What is the Dual Plane Technique?

 Understanding the Dual Plane Technique: 

A Comprehensive Guide to Breast Augmentation


Undergoing breast augmentation is a significant decision that involves careful consideration of various factors. Once you've made the choice to enhance your silhouette through breast implants, your surgeon may recommend the "dual plane" technique. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the dual plane technique, what it entails, and why your surgeon may opt for this approach in your particular case.


What is the Dual Plane Technique?


The dual plane technique is a method employed in breast augmentation procedures. It involves placing the breast implant partially beneath the pectoral muscle (submuscular) while leaving the lower part of the implant covered only by the breast tissue (subglandular). This allows for a better soft – tissue coverage of the implant in some cases.

                                                  FIG 1.  Dual Plane Implant Placement  


Key Components of the Dual Plane Technique:

Submuscular Placement:

The upper portion of the breast implant is positioned beneath the pectoral muscle, which offers several advantages. This placement provides additional coverage for the implant, reducing the risk of visible rippling or palpability. The muscle coverage also contributes to a more natural contour, particularly in lean individuals with minimal breast tissue.


Subglandular Placement:

   The lower part of the breast implant rests below the breast gland but above the muscle. This placement allows for better control over the shape of the breast and helps in achieving a more natural slope in the upper pole of the breast. Subglandular placement can be especially beneficial for individuals with adequate breast tissue and who desire more projection.

Before and After Gallery from Ocean Clinic Archive: 

Why Choose the Dual Plane Technique?


Natural Aesthetics:

The dual plane technique creates balance between the benefits of submuscular and subglandular placements. This approach can result in a more natural-looking breast with a smooth transition between the upper and lower poles.


Reduced Implant Visibility:

Placing the upper portion of the implant under the muscle minimizes the risk of implant visibility or rippling, particularly in patients with thin skin or low breast tissue volume.

Improved Implant Coverage:

The dual plane technique enhances overall implant coverage, reducing the chances of palpability and providing long-term support for the implant.

Bottom Line:


Choosing the right breast augmentation technique is a decision between you and your plastic surgeon. The dual plane technique offers a nuanced approach that combines the benefits of submuscular and subglandular placements, providing a harmonious and natural result. Trust in open communication with your surgeon, and together you can achieve the aesthetic goals you desire through the careful application of advanced techniques like the dual plane method.


Contact Ocean Clinic today for a consultation and discuss your breast augmentation options.