Monday 29 May 2023

Facial bones age too; how does this affect your facial aging process?

 The Aging Process: Impacts of Facial Bone Aging on Skin and Facial Appearance

Aging is an inevitable and complex process that affects various aspects of the human body, including the skeletal structure and skin. This article delves into the scientific understanding of how the skull and facial bones undergo changes over time and explores their subsequent effects on the skin and overall appearance of the face. 

Understanding these mechanisms can shed light on the factors contributing to facial aging and potentially guide the development of targeted interventions.

Skull and Facial Bone Changes with Age:

As individuals age, several structural changes occur in the skull and facial bones, resulting from a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. These changes include:

Bone Loss: The natural aging process leads to a decrease in bone density and volume, known as osteoporosis. This affects the facial bones, particularly the maxilla and mandible, causing them to shrink and lose their original shape and contour.

Resorption: The process of bone resorption becomes more prevalent with age. Osteoclasts, specialized cells responsible for breaking down old bone tissue, become more active, resulting in a net loss of bone mass. This resorption affects the bones of the eye sockets (orbits), cheeks (zygomatic bones), and jawline (mandible), leading to a reduction in facial projection and volume.

Facial Asymmetry: Over time, the balance between bone resorption and formation may be disrupted, leading to facial asymmetry. This can be attributed to differential bone loss in various facial regions, including the orbits, zygomatic arches, and mandible.

Effects on Skin and Appearance:

The changes in the skull and facial bones associated with aging have significant repercussions on the skin and overall appearance of the face. These effects include:

Wrinkles and Sagging: As the facial bones diminish in volume, the overlying skin loses support, leading to the development of wrinkles and fine lines. The reduced bone structure also contributes to sagging skin, particularly in the cheeks, jawline, and around the eyes.

Loss of Facial Contours: The reshaping and resorption of the facial bones contribute to the loss of distinct facial contours, such as a well-defined jawline and prominent cheekbones. This results in a flatter, less defined appearance.

Changes in Eye Area: The thinning of the orbital bones can cause a hollowing effect around the eyes, leading to the formation of under-eye bags and a sunken appearance. Additionally, the loss of bone volume in the upper jaw can contribute to drooping of the upper eyelids.

Altered Proportions: The changes in facial bone structure can affect the proportions of the face, such as the ratio of the lower face to the upper face. These alterations can result in an aged, imbalanced appearance.

Preventive Measures and Interventions:

While aging-related changes in the skull and facial bones are inevitable, certain preventive measures and interventions can help mitigate their impact on the skin and facial appearance:

Lifestyle Factors: Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sun protection can promote overall skin health and minimize the effects of aging.

Dermal Fillers: Injectable dermal fillers containing substances like hyaluronic acid can be used to restore lost volume and enhance facial contours, temporarily reversing some of the age-related changes.

Surgical Interventions: Procedures such as facelifts, brow lifts, and eyelid surgeries can address more significant facial sagging and restore a more youthful appearance by repositioning tissues and tightening the skin.


The aging process impacts not only the skin but also the underlying skull and facial bones, leading to noticeable changes in facial appearance. The gradual loss of bone density, bone resorption, and facial asymmetry contribute to wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of facial contours, and altered proportions. 

These changes can result in a less youthful and less defined appearance. While complete prevention of these changes is not possible, adopting a healthy lifestyle and considering interventions like dermal fillers or surgical procedures can help minimize the effects of aging on the face. 

Further research in this field may provide insights into innovative approaches to rejuvenate the facial structures and enhance overall facial aesthetics, improving the quality of life for individuals as they age.

Thursday 18 May 2023


The male face lift is becoming more and more popular in recent years. Any experienced surgeon will know that the male facial anatomy is very different from the female and during facial surgery these variations must be acknowledged. A male face lift, unless otherwise directed, should not feminise the face and so different techniques are applied to maintain/enhance a masculine appearance. The same considerations would be made for transgender facial surgeries to masculinize or feminize the face. 

How do male and female face lifts differ? 

From a surgical and aesthetic point of view, face lifts in males can differ from face lifts in females in several ways:

Facial anatomy: Male and female facial structures have inherent differences. Men tend to have thicker skin, stronger facial muscles, and more pronounced bone structure compared to women. Surgeons need to take these anatomical differences into account when planning and performing face lifts for men.

Goals and outcomes: The aesthetic goals of face lifts may differ between men and women. While women often seek a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with softer features, men typically desire a more masculine and defined look. Male face lifts aim to preserve or enhance masculine features, such as a strong jawline and a more chiseled appearance.

Incision placement: The placement of incisions may vary between male and female face lifts. In general, male face lifts tend to use incisions that follow the natural beard line to minimize visible scarring. Incisions can be made along the sideburns, in front of the ear, and behind the ear to allow for optimal access while keeping scars as inconspicuous as possible.

Facial hair considerations: Male face lifts must consider the presence of facial hair. Surgeons need to be mindful of preserving the natural beard growth pattern and avoiding disruption to hair follicles. Special techniques may be employed to minimize the risk of hair loss or changes in facial hair growth.

Tissue manipulation: Due to the differences in skin thickness and underlying facial structures, surgeons may need to adjust their techniques during the face lift procedure. Male face lifts may require more extensive dissection of tissues to achieve desired outcomes. The underlying musculature and connective tissue are often addressed to provide a stronger foundation for lifting and repositioning the skin.

Scarring and healing: Male skin tends to have a higher risk of scarring and slower healing compared to female skin. Surgeons take extra care to minimize scarring and ensure optimal wound healing in male face lifts. Post-operative scar ma

nagement techniques and recommendations may differ to accommodate these considerations.

Fat grafting: In some cases, fat grafting or liposuction techniques may be used to enhance or refine facial features during a male face lift. This can be used to add volume to specific areas, such as the cheeks or chin, to create a more balanced and masculine appearance.

It's important to note that these differences are generalizations, and each face lift procedure is tailored to the individual patient's needs and goals. A skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will consider these factors while adapting the surgical approach to suit the unique characteristics of each patient, regardless of gender.


Tuesday 16 May 2023

What is my Decolletage, and how do I keep it looking young?

The décolletage, which includes the lower neckline, shoulder, and upper chest area, is often overlooked when it comes to skincare. Despite being as sensitive as the face, people tend to forget to cleanse, apply sunscreen, or moisturize this area. Unlike the face or neck, there are no quick surgical solutions like face lifts or neck wrinkle treatments to address the signs of aging on the décolletage.

How can you keep your décolletage looking young? 

At Ocean Clinic, our specialized dermatologists evaluate the condition of the neck and décolletage and recommend suitable treatments to rejuvenate the skin. Collagen-inducing treatments such as laser therapy, microneedling, and injectables are effective methods to restore a youthful and radiant appearance to the décolletage.

To effectively combat the signs of aging on the neck and décolletage, it's important to treat both the superficial and deep dermal layers of the skin. A comprehensive approach includes surface rejuvenation through décolletage treatments to improve skin tone and texture, as well as the use of hydrating dermal fillers to plump out neck wrinkles and restore lost volume. Our skincare experts will analyze your skin's condition, consider your lifestyle and expectations, and develop a personalized treatment plan for rejuvenation.

Décolletage Treatments: 

One common treatment for neck wrinkles is the use of soft hydrating dermal fillers. These fillers replenish lost moisture, plump out fine lines and wrinkles, and help revitalize the neck and décolletage.

Micro-injections or PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections are another effective method used to hydrate aging skin. These injections deliver a customized blend of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, and other agents that penetrate the skin's deeper layers, providing hydration to parts that topical creams and moisturizers can't reach.

Ocean clinic also offers advanced treatments like photo-rejuvenation and skin resurfacing using technologies such as fractional CO2 lasers and IPL (intense pulsed light). These treatments stimulate rapid repair and remodeling of deep tissue structures, making them ideal for delicate areas like the décolletage.

Microneedling is another technique used to stimulate skin regeneration and increase collagen and elastin production. By creating controlled micro-wounds using a Dermapen, the skin is prompted to heal and thicken over time. This leads to improved elasticity, texture, and tone across the décolletage. Microneedling also enhances the absorption of PRP and other serums when used in combination treatments.

Chemical peels are a great way to even out skin tone and texture on the décolletage. These peels exfoliate the skin and provide a radiant glow while reducing issues like hyperpigmentation, melasma, age spots, and sun damage. Chemical peels can be used regularly as part of a skincare routine or as one-time treatments for rejuvenation, depending on the desired intensity.

For more advanced procedures, micro fat grafting can be performed. Small amounts of fat are harvested from the patient and transplanted into the superficial layers of the décolletage. This procedure adds volume, smoothens lines and wrinkles, and addresses sagging and thin skin. The high stem-cell content of the transferred fat provides a regenerating boost by increasing blood flow, oxygen levels, and the availability of nutrients and growth factors like elastin and collagen.

At Ocean Clinic, we offer a range of treatments to address the signs of aging on the neck and décolletage. Our dermatologists will assess your unique needs and recommend the most suitable options to rejuvenate and restore a youthful appearance to your skin.

Contact us today for a consultation and discuss your options. 

Thinking of changing your breast implants?

What you need to know if you are considering an implant exchange... 

Despite the fact that modern silicon and saline breast implants are durable, anyone with breast implants is aware that they are not for life; at some point they need to be changed or removed. There is no hard and fast rule as to when this is, some women can safely keep their implants for longer than the recommended time frame. 

As with any part of the body, the breast tissue and skin undergo natural ageing and so eventually implant replacement will become necessary, though this differs from person to person. 

Some women unfortunately experience complications with implants or the surrounding tissue resulting in pain or discomfort. Generally, however women opt for a breast implant exchange procedure in order to alter their appearance. 

There are vital factors to consider when changing breast implants such as size, shape, positioning, and type of implant. 

An implant exchange should be meticulously planned as these factors must all be precisely thought out in order to achieve the optimal outcome. Due to changes within the soft tissue of the breast some cases will require (or be recommended) a breast uplift in addition to the implant exchange procedure to achieve the best results. 

The following are the most common reasons to change implants and how to know when it is time to get checked by your doctor. 

Common signs to indicate you need a breast implant exchange:


You have been experiencing pain or discomfort due to your implants - if the implants themselves are causing this pain or discomfort then you must request a breast implant revision. There are a number of causes for implants to become uncomfortable such as: 

  • Capsular Contracture - There are varying levels of severity of this - the formation of scar tissue surrounding the implant is normal for the healing process yet when this capsulebecomes hard and contracts around the implant this can lead to aesthetic and physical problems (pain in extreme cases). 

  • Lymph node damage - Some patients with breast implants have been found to have enlarged lymph nodes, or lymphadenopathy, often occurring in the armpit area.

  • Seroma - The symptoms of seroma include swelling and possibly leakage of fluid at the site of the wound/scar. Occasionally accompanied by redness and mild pain, and can appear as a lump or cyst.

  • Badly placed implants - the positioning of the implants could be interfering with the bodys natural situation, for example, if the implant was not placed correctly the muscle could be sitting differently causing you to feel uncomfortable. 

  • Rupture - if you have silicon implants there is a possibility they can rupture or leak if the integrity of the implant is disturbed.

Pain is not a normal occurrence with breast augmentation, so you should seek your surgeons advice if you are experiencing any (once you have fully recovered from surgery). Daily life with breast implants should be just as it was before, you shouldnt feel any discomfort at all. 


While this is not life-threatening, a ruptured implant should be treated as urgent, seeking medical attention immediately is strongly advised in order to prevent any infection or internal scar tissue. 

How can an implant rupture? Generally the materials which implants are currently made form are extremely durable however if extreme pressure was placed on the area there is a possibility of a rupture. A car accident for example. Another cause can be that the shell of the implant may have weakened over time. 

Ruptured Saline Implants

If your implant is a saline version the affected area would be visibly noticeable straight away as the implant would naturally deflate once ruptured. This is nothing to worry about internally as the fluid within the implant is absorbed naturally by the body and does not cause further complications. Aesthetically though the breast will appear deflated. 

Ruptured Silicon Implants

These are not easy to detect and so need to be diagnosed via ultrasound or MRI. If a silicon implant ruptures the gel leaks out slowly meaning that the difference would not be visible immediately if at all. 


If your implant shifts and sits lower than it should, below the breast crease, this is known as bottoming out and is obvious to look at. It can appear almost as a double breast as the implant slips below the nipple area sometimes causing the nipple to rise a little and the outline of the implant becomes visible. This is more common with larger breasts due to the weight of the implants but skin laxity with age can also cause this to occur. The tissue within the breast area is unable or no longer able to support the implant and causes it to bottom out


The breast implant should always be in the correct place once it has settled in its position, if your implant is rotating or moving dramatically then this is cause for concern and medial attention. Implants can shift for the following reasons:

  • Lateral displacement- if the area within the breast, or the implant pocket, is too large then the implant has the space to move too far away from the centre line of the chest.
  • Symmastia -when the implants move too close together - this can occur (very rare) if too much tissue is removed from around the breastbone area as this can cause detached muscles between the breasts.
  • Rotational displacement - rotation can also be caused if the implant pocket is too large. This can be difficult to notice with round implants but the teardrop shape will appear unnatural should it change position.


If the shape of your implants has changed significantly this could be due to any of the causes above. Generally this wont occur to both implants at the same time so it can be detected easily. Again, this is not a huge medical risk but may cause serious dissatisfaction and emotional stress. 


When the body treats the implant as a foreign object and creates excess scar tissue in order to isolate it, this can cause capsular contracture. An overproduction of hardened tissue which is graded at four different levels of severity - 

  1. No interference with the implant or the augmentation results, no symptoms.
  2. Minor cosmetic symptoms - can feel firmer to touch but aesthetically fine. 

         3-4. Hard misshapen breasts which are not aesthetically pleasing and can even become painful. 

Grade three and four are often treated with a change of implant. 


If you are simply not satisfied with your current augmentation, this may prompt you to seek a breast implant exchange. Whether you prefer to go larger or smaller it is advised to allow the body to heal properly (if your initial surgery was recent) before you proceed with another surgery. Speak to your surgeon and they will advise you how to best move forward. To find the correct surgical strategy for your implant exchange contact Dr. Kaye or Dr. Frank at Ocean Clinic for a consultation. 

For more information on breast implant positioning read our recent blog on where implants can be placed and why, or take a look at our Instagram post on Implant Pockets. 

Tuesday 9 May 2023

Am I a good candidate for a Hybrid Breast Augmentation?

What is a Hybrid Breast Augmentation, and is it right for me?

Breast Augmentation using implants remains the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery, but there has been a recent increase in demand for a more natural outcome. To achieve this surgeons are including fat grafting techniques as part of the augmentation procedure.

What is fat grafting? 

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, lipofilling or lipotransfer, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing fat from one part of the body and transferring it to another area to add volume, contour, and improve overall appearance.

During the procedure, a surgeon will use a liposuction technique to remove fat from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips, and then process and purify the fat cells. These purified fat cells are then injected into the target area, such as the face, breasts, or buttocks, to create a fuller, more youthful appearance.

Fat grafting can be used for various cosmetic purposes, including
filling in wrinkles and lines, adding volume to cheeks and lips
, correcting asymmetry, and enhancing breast or buttock size and shape. The procedure is generally considered safe and effective, as it uses the patient's own fat cells, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or implant rejection.

Fat can be harvested from basically any region of the body where there is sufficient surplus. 

What is a Hybrid Breast Augmentation? 

Hybrid breast augmentation is a breast enhancement surgery that combines the use of breast implants with fat grafting. The procedure involves using liposuction to remove excess fat from one or more areas of the patient's body, purifying the fat, and then injecting it into the breast tissue. 

The fat grafting procedure is used to improve the overall shape and contour of the breast and to add volume to areas where the implants may not be able to provide sufficient coverage. Breast implants are also placed during the same surgical procedure, usually under the chest muscle or using the dual-plane technique, to further enhance the size and shape of the breasts.

This technique is also referred to as "composite breast augmentation" and has become increasingly attractive option in recent years, as it offers a more natural-looking result in terms of size, shape, look and feel, reduces the risks associated with breast implants alone, and may lead to longer-lasting results. 

What is the recovery like after a Hybrid Breast Augmentation? 

Pain in the areas from which the fat was harvested is similar to the after effects of liposuction; patients describe moderate pain that typically lasts around 48 hours. Bruising resolves within approximately two weeks and swelling within one month. 

Does some of the fat disappear after grafting? 

During the first three post-operative months around 30% of the added volume (fat cells) is gradually lost. Tod address this the initial injections are increased to compensate for this projected loss. 

Where is the fat injected during a breast fat transfer?

During the procedure the fat injections are administered above the implant into the subcutaneous fatty layer, in order to shape and mold the appearance of the new breast. 

Am I suitable for a hybrid breast augmentation?

Using fat (in addition to implants) can create stunning cleavage as well as address any existing irregularities or disproportion which could not be sufficiently addressed using implants alone. 

It is important to note that not all patients may be suitable candidates for this type of surgery, and so it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best course of action for achieving your cosmetic goals. 

Contact our highly experienced team of surgeons today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaye or Dr. Frank to discuss one of Ocean Clinic’s signature surgeries.